Sunday, October 30, 2005

on the market

Someone's sure to understand what I mean.

D'you ever get the feeling, when you're reading a job ad, that THIS is the job that you're PERFECT for? The stars seem aligned, and everything the ad mentions wanting is something you have, something you already DO. You have the experience to prove it. And yet, the job's in such a lovely, sunny place that surely tons of people want to work in. It starts to seem like really, in the end, no matter how perfect you are for the job, the people behind the job just might not interview you anyway.

(sigh)..... if only.


Anonymous said...

yes, and I'm not even on the market, but I still keep reading the options.

YelloCello said...

Did this really happen? If so, I hope you are applying for that perfect gig.

bitchphd said...

I understand EXACTLY what you mean.