Saturday, August 12, 2006

all I want for Christmas:

detachable boobs. Actually, just one would do. Lately Bino has taken to nursing himself to sleep quite a bit. He hangs on and keeps sucking in his sleep (or so it seems). After 4o minutes or so of this, I will try to (carefully!) detach him... but sometimes, like this morning, he starts to wake up shortly after. The other factor here is that D. often has a definite preference for breast to bottle, so I can't always give a bottle of expressed milk to P. and go take my shower (or whatever). If I could detach just one breast, though...

Man, I'm tired.


mc said...

i'm right with you on that one... if you ever figure out the detachable boob thing, let me know, ok?

jo(e) said...

I've often thought it a mistake of evolution that fathers can't nurse too. I mean, it would help out whole lot if two people were doing the job.

Anonymous said...

They need you so intensely in the beginning, it's overwhelming sometimes. The physical demands of mothering lessen over time, but when you are right in the middle of them it's exhausting.

YelloCello said...

I'm so with you, Zip Zap.

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