Monday, November 28, 2005


Thanksgiving holiday at my brother's house, and with no parental supervision for the first time in many years. Somehow when my parents are around too, I never really get to connect with my brother. Conversation tends to be propelled by my parents, mostly my father, and I somehow get lost in the fray. When I left home for college, I missed my brother most of all. Some of the best memories I have of growing up involve these talks we used to have in his room in the afternoons before mom and dad got home. I'd sit on his floor, and we'd talk about all sorts of things. Often we'd talk about the parents and our frustrations at living in such a constricting environment, but we'd talk about relationships, too, and dreams for the future. However happy I am to be out of my parents' house, I still miss those days.

It was a foursome at my brother's house-- my husband and his wife along with the two of us, but there was a late night when we all sat up talking until we were about to fall asleep right there. My niece is a year an a half now, and adorable. She loves my brother. He'll enter a room, and she'll call out for him, even run to him on her short and wobbly legs. He's so gentle with her, and funny. And looking back on it now, I even catch a glimpse of my own father there.

Morning sickness reared its ugly head while I was visiting... and it hasn't gone away sense. I'd only had mild queasiness in the weeks before, but now it feels like something's squeezing some round ball inside me just below and between my ribs. This discomfort has also made me a bit anxious and even irritable, and now it seems I'm alienated P. This is the down side to pregnancy. I wish I could relax a little, that something could take the edge off of me, make it easier to go to work, to be around, to just be.


mc said...

Glad you had a good visit with your family, and so sorry to hear about the morning sickness. I've really been struggling with it in the last few weeks. Not sure if this will work for you, but I've begun taking vitamin B-6 recently, and it really seems to be helping. I've also been really withdrawn and quiet -- in part because I've felt so crummy, and also because there is so. much. going on right now in my head. Doesn't make it easy for the significant other, but it's hard to pull out of it. Hang in there!

YelloCello said...

Sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving. Echoing mc's sympathy re: morning sickness. Sometimes it helps just to make sure that there is always something in your belly. Mild cheese works well. Crackers in the a.m. before you get out of bed. Also, you can use something called "sea bands" to put pressure on a pressure point on your write, and this alleviates nausea. I was skeptical, but the pressure point really does work. Never bought the seabands, but would exert pressure myself on my own wrist (see the web for an illustration of where to press lightly) and this helped me get through some awful moments with the nausea. Best of luck. Hope you're soon feeling better.

Anonymous said...

papapya helped me.
(is that spelled right?!)

poitevin said...

papaya rocks. But I'm afraid that neither Z. nor I know where to get fresh papaya around here--there are these jars of preserved papaya that I've seen, but not fresh papayas like the huge ones my father would buy in Guatemala. Besies, I'm not sure whether Z. likes papaya. I bought her some cantaloupe today, and she ate a couple of small pieces. I've also heard mango is good for pregnant women.