Tuesday, February 08, 2005

but then...

I ended the last post at the sound of the key in the door, husband arriving home. I'd thought that would be the end of posting for at least a while, that there might be some sort of checking in and conversation over dinner. I'd thought. It's not to be, it turns out. A bigshot prof from europe has arrived & p. is very busy working on his dissertation each day so the next he talk & work more with bigshot. I understand the pressure, I do, but no "how was your day?" or anything else for that matter makes me feel like an unliked roommate. You know the one. You live for those times when she's out and you have the whole space to yourself. When she's home, you ignore her the best you can & try to read & do your homework. Seems I'm her. & it just doesn't feel good. But I'm most likely too darn sensitive. He did bring me a taco.... but then sat down immediately with his math book. It feels bad and weird, but I know my saying anything about it when he's in this state will only cause bad feelings.

It doesn't help that I've not really formed friendships with anyone at work yet, let alone in this small town. I feel like crying.

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